新加坡小学数学练习- Visible Thinking in Mathematics

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新加坡的各类数学教材练习可以说是各有千秋。比起之前介绍的熟为人知的Learning Mathematics, 这部书有自己的角度。个人感觉更能吸引小朋友。

Instead of learning rote procedures and formulas, children master concepts by following five distinct chapter sections based on the Singapore Math Approach:
1) Thinking Platform: Functional questions that direct students’ thinking to key subjects and that cultivate their cognitive skills;

2) Attaining Mastery: Consecutive mathematical problems using the same framework but alternating key words to highlight the differences between examples and ensure that students learn and retain their new skills;

3) Notes: Suggestions on correcting errors, simplifying a concept, or enhancing learning;

4) Summative Test: Practice for students to recap what they learned throughout the chapter;

5) Think Out of the Box!: Challenging word problems that stretch students’ ability to apply the concepts they learned.
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