The Complete Book of Phonics

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The Complete Book of Phonics可以说是学习Phonics自然拼读的一本词典级的图文教材。The Complete Book of Phonics全一册,里面分成GK-G2三个年级来编排。


The Complete Book of Phonics采用图文并茂、在游戏中学习的的方式展示Phonics自然拼读相对来说比较枯燥的拼读规律,作者非常注重对所学知识的复习,因此,每学完一节内容,必定有相应的复习篇章,另外,在全年所学内容展示完毕后,还会有大量篇幅的复习。The Complete Book of Phonics的作者在编排复习时,运用大量押韵词汇来巩固所学内容。另外,The Complete Book of Phonics还重视孩子的书写能力,在书中能经常见到对写作的要求。

总之,The Complete Book of Phonics是一本词典级的Phonics自然拼读图文教材,因为这是按照孩子的认知水平来编排的,因此,整个Phonics自然拼读的拼读体系内容被打断,分成三个年级来讲述.

FINALLY . . . A Kid-appealing book that brings the power of phonics directly to young learners! The Complete Book of Phonics--THE MOST THOROUGH AND COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE to phonics AVAILABLE! Designed by leading experts in reading education, this book offers children ages 4-8 the tools they need to become successful readers. Its systematic approach teaches children how to decode unfamiliar words and strengthen spelling skills as they complete a variety of exercises that focus on letter-sound correspondence and patterns.

WHAT MAKES THE COMPLETE BOOK OF phonics SO DIFFERENT FROM OTHER BOOKS? It's the most complete book that offers: Critical phonics skills necessary to ensure successful independent reading.  Writing activities that draw on the reader's own experiences and interests.   Full-color, kid-appealing illustrations and exercises to spark the interest of young learners.  Review pages to evaluate student progress and ensure mastery of essential basic skills.

An answer key that not only provides answers to the exercises, but demonstrates how the lessons should be done. THE COMPLETE BOOK OF Phonics--the essential guide for reading success!



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